Ashley~ office manager extraordinaire!


This girl, yeah, she pretty much ROCKS!

For those who of you don’t already know, this is Ashley. April 15 we are celebrating Ashley’s ONE YEAR anniversary with JPP! She interviewed with me for part time assistant/office help, but after speaking with her a bit I knew exactly where her talents would be most helpful, in the office, doing everything but be ME. LOL

Ashley grew very quickly learning the ins and outs of how I like to run things here, and is fast to offer suggestions and helping hands whenever and for whatever is needed!

I talk a lot (yes, even to myself lol) and before there was no one around to listen… now when Ashley hears even a portion of one of my ideas she is quick to research what is needed to make it happen and helps bring all my ideas to life! From packaging to promos (she is a FAB designer!) Ashley has kept me on track this last year with getting things done and has helped me make JPP into everything I have wanted it to be!

There is still lots to do (and don’t look at the messy office behind the scenes) but with each new step JPP is growing faster and faster!

I’m not going to lie, the last few years have had me contemplating whether or not I wanted to keep JPP open. With having several people work here in the home office, only to capitalize on everything I did here so they could open their own businesses, I know it’s very hard to find trustworthy, non back stabbing folks (yes, I dared to go there)  to work for you. Ashley is a dream team player and I am so thankful every day to have her! We value you loyalty and commitment, and a willingness to take initiative and go one step further!

Happy JPP Anniversary Ashley! I appreciate you!


PS when the new website is launched you will ‘get to know’ Ashley and the team behind the scenes a bit better! Keep following along!
