The Palmer’s found a rainbow!


If you are a new follower and don’t know who the Palmer’s are, let me take a minute to introduce them.

I first came to know Scott and Katie when they came to meet me about photographing their wedding. Little did we know what God had planned for this friendship… but He is all knowing and had a plan for sure!

I knew pretty much within minutes of them arriving at my home office that this meeting was going to be different. We hit it off immediately. It wasn’t until years later that Scott and my husband Brian became best buds that refer to each other as “Punkin’ and “Buttercup”. (I know Good lawd what have we created!)

Brian was used to me making friends and bringing clients home from even my early days as a portrait photographer in Virginia. But THIS… this was God driven. We now call our combined families “Palmerkowskis”!

I photographed Scott and Katie’s engagement session, then wedding. Then a few month later Katie found out she was expecting. Yay!! Maternity and birth photos followed. Bryson was born two days after their first anniversary.

Then, one crazy, horrible day in January, almost five months after Bryson was born, Scott called to tell me Bryson was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma cancer. Around that same time Katie realized she was expecting another baby. Braydon was born in Cleveland a few weeks early that August while Bryson was undergoing treatments there. That year Bryson fought like a soldier and beat cancer! Although the fight wasn’t quite over… about a year, year and a half later they found out the chemo had ruined his lungs and he was once again, fighting for his life.

My husband and I were able to grow even closer to this family as I continued to photograph them as often as I could, and we were even blessed to be able to help them out by keeping Braydon with us sometimes as they traveled back and forth to St Louis (Katie had to stay there 6 months with Bryson!) Braydon was like one of our own.

At the age of 4, right at Scott and Katie’s four year anniversary, and right before Bryson’s golden birthday, he received a pair of new lungs… a DOUBLE lung transplant saved his life JUST in time.

God is so good.

( I promise to show more images, but this story is worth the read!)

Fast forward a couple years and they were ready to grow their family even more, now that Bryson is thriving and things have ‘normalized” as much as they can (Bryson is still under close watch and continued prayers are appreciated for no rejection of the new lungs).

Katie became pregnant again and was due last June with a sweet baby girl!!! The nursery was painted pink and grey, girlie things started to fill their home, and I had gotten to photograph their maternity session.

A week later, at 35 weeks, Katie went in to the doctor and all was fine. The next day, she hadn’t felt the baby move. Another trip in to the doctor confirmed there was no heartbeat.

Sweet angel girl Lola was born asleep on May 8, 2015. Two days before Mother’s Day.

Six months later Katie and Scott anxiously started to try again to give a sibling to Bryson and Braydon. Once again, the devil stole their joy with a miscarriage.

Prayers galore for this sweet family. As I type, I fight back tears because I love them so much!

Alas, Katie shared with me that she is expecting again!!! Keeping it a secret from most until she felt secure, we were able to photograph this joyous time and finally announce, rainbow baby Palmer due this December!!


Won’t you join me in congratulating them??! Can you relate? Miscarriage isn’t widely talked about, but we know it happens way more than is made known. I love each an devery mama out there!

Katie loves reading the comments and seeing the love pour in for their family! And if you are the praying type, we would love your prayers for them and baby as well!




  1. Linda

    Prayers for this beautiful family. God bless you

  2. Jamie

    Praising God with you all!!! I cried reading this! I am praying for a healthy pregnancy & rainbow baby!!

  3. Karen

    Love this story. I too have a rainbow baby. We tried for many years to get pregnant. Lost our first baby when I was 12 weeks. They found no heartbeat. Got pregnant again about one year later….a little girl. My water broke at 24 weeks. I was hospitalized until I had her at 28 weeks. She came out fighting. She past in my arms 15 hours later. I now have two angels watching over their rainbow brother who is 1. It was the hardest thing I ever went through in my life. I wish you all the best with your beautiful family and rainbow baby. Many prayers for you all.

  4. Julie Paszczykowski Post author

    Thank you all for reading and sharing your thoughts for this family! xo

  5. Kendra

    So glad you shined a spotlight on their story Julie!! Prayers that their rainbow baby will thrive as God knits that precious little being together!!

  6. Brianne

    (wiping away my tears) This is such an awesome post, thank you so much for sharing! Praying for this beautiful family and praying that we can all be inspired by your continuous display of God’s love.


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Love, Julie